
RIS Events are very popular with our students, families, friends, and members of the community. Events occur year round at set and varied times depending on the occasion. Holiday events emphasize cultural awareness instead of religion. Theme events follow our main themes of fantasy, space, oceans, and adventure. Special events are varied throughout the year dealing with culture, personal interests, various types of parties. Events are a great way to experience, culture, use language skills, meet new people, and have a great time.


Holiday events follow traditional American and European holidays like Valentines, Easter, Halloween and Christmas etc. Additionally, we celebrate Japanese festivals such as Hanami and Tanabata. From time to time we celebrate of holidays from around the world as part of our cultural awareness. We have a wonderful “Galentines” party for our lovely young ladies. Halloween is our biggest event of the year with a bazaar, a haunted house, and all sorts of costumes and treats. Christmas is also a large production with all the trimmings. Ever wanted to know how Santa Claus can visit all the children of the world in a single night and never be seen? Come and meet him and maybe, if you have been a good boy or girl, he will tell you his secret. Come and celebrate with us.

Theme events are a big part of school life at RIS. Fantasy Quests takes place in the winter and spring, Space Adventures is in the spring, Ocean Explorations in the summer, and Archaeology Adventures in the fall. The events are children focused for the most part with lots of adult participation and adult after party parties in the evenings. Additionally, there are specific adults only parties that follow the theme and often tie in with our clubs like Sisterhood of the Rose, our joshikai program.


Our fantasy event is a Winter Masque, which is a dress up party where guests get to wear Venetian style masques. It is an opportunity for young ladies and gentlemen to learn classic dance and proper etiquette for such an occasion. Additionally, there is a young ladies princess party where girls dress up as their favorite princess. In the spring we have a fairly meadows tea party for our young ladies as well. Come imagine with us.


Our space event centers around science, space exploration, and the environment. We have a paper airplane contest and a science fair where students present their experiments. Come and learn about the future with us.


Our ocean events are a pirate treasure hunt and a mermaid tea party. Pirates of the Crimson Rose is a cost play adventure open lads and lasses of all ages with an wild adult party in the evening. Young ladies love to dress up for our Under the Sea Mermaid party and our young gentleman join in as members of King Neptune’s Guard. Come explore the high seas and ocean depths with us.


Our adventures event is an archaeology dig where students study about past cultures, create artifacts, learn about legends of lost treasures such as the lost Treasure of the Shogun. This event is a mixture of science, history, culture, creative writing, and crafts. Kids have fun getting their hands dirty and learning about the past through hands on experience. Come find ruins and treasures with us.


Special events are designed for individual students or groups of students and cater to their specific individual interests or needs. Crafts and cuisine often play a role to foster cultural awareness or just have fun. Themed birthdays, movie night, international cuisine parties are only a few examples. Come party with us.